Конан дойль шерлок холмс на английском языке. Шерлок холмс на английском языке книги и аудиокниги - артур конан дойл

Шерлок Холмс, герой английского писателя Артура Конан Дойла – мой самый любимый литературный персонаж. Я увлекаюсь детективами и прочитал много произведений Агаты Кристи, Эдгара По, Жоржа Сименона и других писателей. Но самым добрым, умным, талантливым для меня остается Шерлок Холмс.
Слава о нем проникла во все уголки Англии, а затем о гениальном сыщике узнали во всем мире. Холмс выезжает на расследование в Ватикан, его помощь нужна даже могущественным монархам. Холмс в работе использует знаменитый дедуктивный метод. Он может по отдельным деталям, по каким-то мелочам рассказать о человеке и его характере. У Холмса есть друг - доктор Ватсон. Многое ему непонятно в решениях и выводах Холмса, и он постоянно задает вопросы. Совсем, как я: так же, как он, я удивляюсь словам и выводам Шерлока Холмса. И Шерлок Холмс всегда терпеливо, доходчиво объясняет то, что нам непонятно.
Мне очень нравится детективная история «Собака Баскервилей», которая начинается с того, что Шерлок Холмс буквально извлекает из палки, забытой в его доме посетителем, массу информации. И когда появляется владелец палки, оказывается, что все сказанное Холмсом - правда.
На этот раз речь идет о проклятии, которое нависло над родом Баскервилей. Из далеких времен передается из рода в род манускрипт, где написано: «Остерегайтесь выходить на болота в ночное время, когда силы зла властвуют безраздельно». Казалось бы, это легенда, сказка, но мурашки пробегают по коже, когда слышишь крики ночных птиц на огромном болоте, дыхание и рычание огромной собаки, готовой растерзать живого человека. Страх испытывают все, и только Шерлок Холмс знает, что делать. Он остается спокойным, выдержанным. Ни в какие родовые заклятия он не верит, и его логика и здравый смысл в конце концов побеждают.
Я думаю, что Шерлок Холмс останется моим любимым героем на всю жизнь. В нем есть все черты, необходимые человеку: он интересен, бесстрашен, убедителен, умен. Sherlock Holmes, the hero of the English writer sir Arthur Conan Doyle - my favorite literary character. I am fond of detectives and read a lot of Agatha Christie, PoE, Georges Simenon and other writers. But the most kind, smart, talented, I have a Sherlock Holmes.
Fame has penetrated into all corners of England, and then about the brilliant detective learned worldwide. Holmes leaves the investigation in the Vatican, help is needed even the mighty monarchs. Holmes uses the famous deductive method. He may, in individual parts, for some little things to talk about man and his character. At Holmes"s friend Dr. Watson. Many things he could not understand in the decisions and conclusions of Holmes, and he constantly asks questions. Absolutely, I like it, I"m surprised at the words and conclusions of Sherlock Holmes. And Sherlock Holmes is always patient, lucidly explains what is unclear to us.I like detective story "the hound of the Baskervilles", which begins with Sherlock Holmes literally extracts from a stick, forgotten in his house the visitor a wealth of information. And when the owner of the stick, it turns out that all said Holmes - the truth.
At this time we are talking about the curse, which hang above a native of the Baskervilles. From ancient times, passed on from generation to generation the manuscript, which is written: "Beware of leaving the swamps at night, when the forces of evil ruled unchallenged." This would seem to legend, fairy tale, but shiver run through the skin, when you hear the cries of night birds on a huge bog, the breath and the roaring of a huge dog, ready to devour a living person. Fear is, and only Sherlock Holmes knows what to do. He remains quiet, mellow. In any ancestral curse, he does not believe, and its logic and common sense to eventually win.
I think Sherlock Holmes will remain my favorite hero for life. It has all the features necessary to man: it"s interesting, fearless, compelling, intelligent.

В предлагаемый сборник вошли избранные рассказы о всемирно известном сыщике Шерлоке Холмсе: «Пестрая лента», «Союз рыжих», «Голубой карбункул», «Пляшущие человечки». Тексты произведений сокращены и упрощены, а также сопровождаются комментариями, упражнениями и словарями к каждому из произведений. Издание предназначено для продолжающих изучать английский язык нижней ступени (уровень 2 - Pre-Intermediate).

Пестрая лента. The Adventure of Speckled Band.
On glancing over my notes of the cases in which I have studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number strange, but no commonplace cases. He worked rather for the love of his art than for money and he refused to associate himself with any investigation which did not have anything unusual and even fantastic in it. Of all these cases, however, I cannot recall any which was more unusual than that which was associated with the well-known family of the Roylotts of Stoke Moran. The events occurred in the early days of my association with Holmes, when we were sharing rooms in Baker Street.

It was early in April in the year 1883 that I woke one morning to find Sherlock Holmes standing, fully dressed, by the side of my bed. He was a late riser, as a rule, and as the clock showed me that it was only a quarter-past seven, I looked up at him in some surprise.

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Артур Конан-Дойл
Пестрая лента

On glancing over my notes of the seventy odd cases in which I have during the last eight years studied the methods of my friend Sherlock Holmes, I find many tragic, some comic, a large number merely strange, but none commonplace; for, working as he did rather for the love of his art than for the acquirement of wealth, he refused to associate himself with any investigation which did not tend towards the unusual, and even the fantastic. Of all these varied cases, however, I cannot recall any which presented more singular features than that which was associated with the well-known Surrey family of the Roylotts of Stoke Moran. The events in question occurred in the early days of my association with Holmes, when we were sharing rooms as bachelors in Baker Street. It is possible that I might have placed them upon record before, but a promise of secrecy was made at the time, from which I have only been freed during the last month by the untimely death of the lady to whom the pledge was given. It is perhaps as well that the facts should now come to light, for I have reasons to know that there are widespread rumours as to the death of Dr. Grimesby Roylott which tend to make the matter even more terrible than the truth.

Просматривая свои записи о приключениях Шерлока Холмса, - а таких записей, которые я вел на протяжении последних восьми лет, у меня больше семидесяти, - я нахожу в них немало трагических случаев, есть среди них и забавные, есть и причудливые, но нет ни одного заурядного: работая из любви к своему искусству, а не ради денег, Холмс никогда не брался за расследование обыкновенных, будничных дел, его всегда привлекали только такие дела, в которых есть что-нибудь необычайное, а порою даже фантастическое.
Особенно причудливым кажется мне дело хорошо известной в Суррее семьи Ройлоттов из Сток-Морона. Мы с Холмсом, два холостяка, жили тогда вместе на Бейкер-стрит. Вероятно, я бы и раньше опубликовал свои записи, но я дал слово держать это дело в тайне и освободился от своего слова лишь месяц назад, после безвременной кончины той женщины, которой оно было дано. Пожалуй, будет небесполезно представить это дело в истинном свете, потому что молва приписывала смерть доктора Гримсби Ройлотта еще более ужасным обстоятельствам, чем те, которые были в действительности.

It was early in April in the year ’83 that I woke one morning to find Sherlock Holmes standing, fully dressed, by the side of my bed. He was a late riser, as a rule, and as the clock on the mantelpiece showed me that it was only a quarter-past seven, I blinked up at him in some surprise, and perhaps just a little resentment, for I was myself regular in my habits.

Проснувшись в одно апрельское утро 1883 года, я увидел, что Шерлок Холмс стоит у моей кровати. Одет он был не по-домашнему. Обычно он поднимался с постели поздно, но теперь часы на камине показывали лишь четверть восьмого. Я посмотрел на него с удивлением и даже несколько укоризненно. Сам я был верен своим привычкам.

“Very sorry to knock you up, Watson,” said he, “but it’s the common lot this morning. Mrs. Hudson has been knocked up, she retorted upon me, and I on you.”

Весьма сожалею, что разбудил вас, Уотсон, - сказал он. - Но такой уж сегодня день. Разбудили миссис Хадсон, она - меня, а я - вас.

“What is it, then-a fire?”

Что же такое? Пожар?

“No; a client. It seems that a young lady has arrived in a considerable state of excitement, who insists upon seeing me. She is waiting now in the sitting-room. Now, when young ladies wander about the metropolis at this hour of the morning, and knock sleepy people up out of their beds, I presume that it is something very pressing which they have to communicate. Should it prove to be an interesting case, you would, I am sure, wish to follow it from the outset. I thought, at any rate, that I should call you and give you the chance.”

Нет, клиентка. Приехала какая-то девушка, она ужасно взволнована и непременно желает повидаться со мной. Она ждет в приемной. А уж если молодая дама решается в столь ранний час путешествовать по улицам столицы и поднимать с постели незнакомого человека, я полагаю, она хочет сообщить что-то очень важное. Дело может оказаться интересным, и вам, конечно, хотелось бы услышать эту историю с самого первого слова. Вот я и решил предоставить вам эту возможность.

Если Вы изучаете английский язык или свободно на нем говорите, слушайте о приключениях самого знаменитого сыщика в мировой литературе на языке оригинала, а затем проверьте свое понимание произведения, прослушав или прочитав русский перевод.

Sherlock Holmes is a fictional detective of the late 19th and early 20th centuries, who first appeared in publication in 1887. He is the creation of Scottish author and physician Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. A brilliant London-based detective, Holmes is famous for his intellectual prowess and ratiocination, and is renowned for his skillful use of "deductive reasoning" while using abductive reasoning (inference to the best explanation) and astute observation to solve difficult cases. He is arguably the most famous fictional detective ever created, and is one of the best known and most universally recognisable literary characters in any genre.

Conan Doyle wrote four novels and fifty-six short stories that featured Holmes. All but four stories are narrated by Holmes" friend and biographer, Dr. John H. Watson; two are narrated by Holmes himself, and two others are written in the third person. The first two stories, short novels, appeared in Beeton"s Christmas Annual for 1887 and Lippincott"s Monthly Magazine in 1890. The character grew tremendously in popularity with the beginning of the first series of short stories in The Strand Magazine in 1891; further series of short stories and two serialised novels appeared almost right up to Conan Doyle"s death in 1930. The stories cover a period from around 1878 up to 1903, with a final case in 1914.

Внимание! Ознакомьтесь, пожалуйста, с инструкцией и правилами

Аудиокниги - радио постановки BBC на английском языке:

One of the four novels within the sixty episodes of the Sherlock Holmes canon, A Study in Scarlet(1877) marked the debut of Holmes and his assistant, Dr. Watson, along with their residence at 221 B Baker Street, Inspector Lestrade, and the ragtag band of street urchins Holmes referred to as "the Baker Street Irregulars." Doyle modeled Holmes in part upon the idiosyncrasies of one of his medical school instructors, Dr. Joseph Bell; the literary structure, however, he borrowed from Edgar Allan Poe"s stories of Auguste Dupin. The brilliant but eccentric detective, the admiring friend who narrates the story, the cases which are puzzling and fantastic as much as sensationally criminal, the dramatically revealed solution at the end; all these are elaborated from Poe"s work.

The great detective"s melancholy mood is lifted by the arrival of attractive Mary Morstan at 221B Baker Street. Mary"s father vanished ten years ago. Four years later she bagan to receive, annually, a large, lustrous pearl. Now she has had an intriguing invitation to meet her unknown benefactor and urges Holmes and Watson to accompany her. The duo are confronted with a case that includes a wronged woman, a wooden-legged ruffian, hidden treasure, and a love affair.

3: The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1892)

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes is a collection of 12 stories by Arthur Conan Doyle that were originally published in Strand magazine from July 1891 to June 1892. This collection includes some of Holmes" most famous cases.

4: The Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes (1894)

  • The Stock Broker"s Clerk (1893)

An ancient family curse has caused the shocking death of all of Sir Henry Baskerville"s ancestors, and the distinguished Dr. James Mortimer wants Sherlock Holmes to help protect his friend. According to local legend, an enormous, savage, supernatural hound lives on the Grimpen Moor, and has just killed yet another Baskerville. Despite Holmes"s well-deserved reputation as a crime specialist and brilliant sleuth, even he wonders whether his powers of deductive reasoning can defeat this mysterious, hellish beast.

6: The Return of Sherlock Holmes (1904)

An English gentleman is murdered with a uniquely American weapon: a sawed-off shotgun. Since the police are baffled, Sherlock Holmes is asked to solve the murder.
The story is similar in structure to "A Study in Scarlet", with the second half taking place in the United States and filling in the history of what led up to the first half. Toward the end, the story comes back to Holmes and Watson.

8: His Last Bow (1917)

9: The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (1927)