Мокап, где девушка держит рукой журнал в анфас. PSD мокап, где женская рука открывает журнал

Средневековье остается одной из излюбленных тем у творческих личностей. Некоторые символические элементы того времени - например, щит , до сих пор активно используются для создания логотипов.


Прежде чем приступать к рисованию щит а, будет полезно ознакомиться с историей его происхождения и некоторыми особенностями конструкции. Щит может быть самой разной формы: круглым, овальным, прямоугольным, каплевидным и т.д. Самой узнаваемой и характерной считается варяжская или французская форма щит а. На таких удобнее всего размещать различную графическую и текстовую информацию.

Щит - симметричная фигура, поэтому для того, чтобы качественно его изобразить, придется потренироваться. Отработайте прорисовку сначала одной стороны щит а. Старайтесь делать это, не отрывая карандаша от бумаги, одной линией. После этого приступайте к рисованию другой стороны. Когда и она начнет получаться с первой попытки, можно переходить к изображению всей фигуры. Для большего удобства начинайте рисовать с верхней горизонтальной линии. От нее вниз проведите уже отработанными движениями линии, изображающие боковые стороны щит а.

Особого внимания и терпения потребует прорисовка нижней точки щит а, где сходятся боковые стороны. Эта часть может быть закругленной или заостренной. Ваша задача - точно соединить обе боковые лини, избежав их перекоса. Чтобы добиться такого результата, есть один секрет: проводя линию, направляйте взгляд туда, куда она должна прийти - в этом случае рука автоматически создаст идеальную траекторию.

После того как вы освоите рисование щит ов простых форм, можно переходить к изображению более сложных. Изображение симметричных фигур строгих форм отлично развивает глазомер и улучшает координацию работы правого полушария и рук. Готовые рисунки щит ов можно использовать в качестве логотипа или экслибриса.

Полезный совет

Учитесь рисовать щиты разных форм - это не только разовьет художественный навык, но и расширит исторический кругозор.

Внимание, только СЕГОДНЯ!

Все интересное

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With the Internet and the mobile access to the web, most of the population prefer to read news and feature articles online for free. Venturing into print magazine is therefore challenging. The process of going from an idea to a print-ready magazine is daunting and can prove to be a very tough learning process . Start by investigating your potential audience. Learn as much about them as possible to get a better idea of who you are talking to. From there, you can determine the most appropriate design for your magazine. Use the services of a graphic designer. Don’t forget that you should also create an online-ready version of your magazine, which can serve as a platform for attracting physical magazine subscribers. For a great design, layout, and look, check out and choose from various magazine PSD mockup templates.

In case you want to start a local community/grassroots magazine, it is completely possible . The magazine mockups below are great for both community-oriented magazines and business magazines.

UNLIMITED DOWNLOADS: 500,000+ Product Mockups & Design Assets

All the Product Mockups you need and many other design elements, are available for a monthly subscription by subscribing to Envato Elements . The subscription gives you unlimited access to a massive and growing library of 500,000+ items that can be downloaded as often as you need (stock photos too)!


With thousands of likes from the Behance community and many more thousand free downloads, A4 Magazine Mockup is Jan-Alfred Barclay’s standard for what magazine mockups should look like when built with care and efficiency in mind. This is a PSD download that contains several page concepts. It has a carefully layered structure that allows you to copy and paste designs directly onto new pages. Each template features a layer structure that enables photorealistic end results for all your page designs. You can combine images over pages, or create stunning feature pages for important stories and editorial content.


PSD Mockup, 4K Magazine

Thousands of likes sounded promising, but Alexandre Cardoso has much more than that. His 4K Magazine template has tens of thousands of likes, with hundreds of thousands of free downloads. Creating a good-looking magazine mockup takes some serious time. It requires patience and understanding of how the elements of a magazine page come together to achieve the end result of a magazine style. Alexandre Cardoso has nailed it with his mockup, which he is giving away to the community for free. All three of the templates use Smart Objects that enable anyone to adapt the templates to their own needs at any given time quickly. You will enjoy using this magazine for projects where text positioning and text design are of utmost importance.


It’s truly awe-inspiring when graphic designers publish their hard work for anyone to use for free. Mucahit Gayiran, who works on behalf of Mockup Zone, has one such awe-inspiring design to offer. His Magazine Mockup Pack consists of 7 closeup scenes and 12 standard-view scenes that you can edit and adjust as you require. Everything is layered so that changes can be made to each element individually. Seventeen prepackaged textures will allow you to save time, but you can always upload and use your own textures as well. The closeup views will showcase your photographic skills and your stunning visual content.


Ultra Clean Magazine PSD Mockup

Mats-Peter Forss is a graphic designer who loves to work with clean, minimal, and modern designs. His Ultra Clean Free PSD Magazine Mockup is not an exception to that rule. In his own words, this is “just a tiny” mockup that, hopefully, can help someone get started with their print business. We believe, though, that this is a wonderful mockup that will find home for versatile fields of interest. Smart Objects are available for easier editing. The paper might be lacking a little texture and might need some extra work, but that’s the price you have to pay for minimalism. We’re certain also that making edits to this mockup won’t be all that hard.


Square Magazine PSD Mockup

Wassim Awadallah shares with us a square magazine mockup. For those of you who don’t like traditional magazine formats, square is another good choice to go with. Have you ever sat in line at the doctors? They usually have some journals and magazines lying around, and they tend to have a square design. If this is the kind of area you are looking to work in with your designs, then Wassim’s template is a great choice. Smart Objects work with this design, allowing you to copy and paste designs onto new pages without losing much time for editing. All design aspects are well organized and allow you to change the tiniest parts of the magazine design without losing focus.

What’s more, Wassim also has included a helpful guide on how to make the most of the mockup, a true showmanship of dedication and admiration for his fans.


Ahmad Muradi has published a stunning and photorealistic magazine mockup for all you geeks who want to showcase your best photography skills through a magazine. Photos truly do make a magazine come alive, and this mockup helps even the most inexperienced to create a magazine that showcases the best stills and photos in overlay pages. The layers will allow you to edit the design thoroughly. The positioning of the layout itself within the demo is really modern, perhaps the most modern we have seen so far in the context of magazines that deal with a lot of written text on top of photography.


A4 Magazine PSD Mockup, Isometric View

An isometric view will add all the necessary flavors to your journal and/or magazine. Mats-Peter Forss continues to outdo himself by sharing this wonderful mockup that you can quickly transform into fully functional magazine designs. He built it with his own hands using his own equipment, but he provided Smart Objects, layered elements, and general advice on how to best take advantage of this mockup. The files are of high quality, allowing you to print the magazine in whatever format you prefer.


Some magazines are best kept small, be they for advertising or for use on airplanes. Smaller magazines can often lead to higher engagement if used in the right context. Wassim Awadallah strikes again with a letter-sized magazine mockup that you can grab for free. His design features well-named and structured layers that will help even the most unskilled Photoshop users to make swift and solid changes to the appearance of the magazine. Backgrounds and shadows are easily available for manipulation, further increasing the freedom of creating a custom magazine template based on a solid mockup.


Magazine PSD Mockup

Eduardo Mejia comes out with a staggering and realistic photo-oriented magazine mockup with multipurpose use. The first couple of examples actually look and read much like a book, but perhaps that is what some magazines are lacking, the combination of visual photography with text that reads similarly to what we see in the books. On the other hand, cluttered designs can sometimes feel overwhelming and can be generally hard to follow. Not in this case, though. This is the mockup you should get if you want to place your visuals alongside your text in the spotlight.


Magazine Mockup by Vectogravic

Vectogravic Designs presents a free magazine PSD mockup for businesses and companies that want to build their own little magazines. This template could very well work for internal company magazines or for a more brochure-like approach to promoting your business by telling stories in a journalistic manner. We love the careful details for each page and how the separate elements help talk about many things at once on a single page. Editing is also easy because of the properly named layers.


Magazine PSD Mockup

Zippy Pixels offers a digitally inspired magazine mockup that instantly attracts those who are interested in using photos and versatile text elements. We can foresee this splendid design to do really well in situations where you want to write about technology or photography individually. The layouts provide a good starting point for displaying both visual and text content in a manner that makes them work together rather than against each other. If you only like the designs themselves, grab any other mockup that we are promoting here, and simply transfer the designs using Smart Objects. That’s the magic of Photoshop!


Digest-Size Magazine PSD Mockup

Zippy Pixels has more to offer, and we are more than happy to promote these free offerings to the design community on their behalf. If big magazines really scare you, try your chances with digest-size magazines. Concise stories and journalistic pieces would work best in promoting tourism tours, expeditions, specific journeys, and such. People love to grab these small digest-size magazines and take them on their journeys, whether taking the train or flying on an airplane. A small size just makes the experience more comfortable and personally appealing.


This photorealistic magazine mockup from GraphicBurger has been downloaded over 390,000+ times in the last three years alone. Seriously, how many magazines are out there using this design? Many are community-built magazines, so you won’t necessarily see them on the magazine shelves, but you might see some similarities between design choices. We really can’t emphasize enough how greatly structured this mockup is, which is perhaps the main reason that so many are attracted to it.


Magazine + Cover Mockup

Made for Designers understands how frustrating it can be to find a good magazine mockup that also has an appropriate front-end and back-end covers available. In May, Made for Designers published a magazine mockup freebie that included cover photos. It now has more than 130,000+ unique views and more than 50,000+ downloads. We really love the flow of the headlines and the imagery content and how they all just naturally come together in this one design. You will absolutely enjoy this mockup if you’re writing about nature-related photos. You will also find it very useful if you need a space to showcase your photography skills.


Magazine Mockup Using InDesign and Photoshop (Tutorial Included)

At first, it sounds easy. Just grab a magazine template or mockup, and you are ready to print! In some cases, it works. However, not everyone can use Photoshop to an extent where one can make instant changes to the design and adapt it to one’s requirements. What we enjoyed the most about this mockup from Mohammad Jeprie is that he actually published a full tutorial on how you can quickly adapt the template to your own needs by learning what went into the process of making it in the first place. Its an 80-step tutorial that’s very thorough and complex. Yet, it is rewarding because you get a better idea of how these mockups come to life and how to best edit them when the time comes. The end result is a dark-ish magazine mockup for music, design, and fashion journals.


Original Mockups shares with us a mockup that’s going to help you to prototype the cover page and the first opening page of your future magazine. This prototype mockup will come in handy when you hand over that first couple of preview copies to your investors or your team. With more than 95,000+ downloads and counting, we are more than convinced that many designers and magazine artists have found a great purpose for this template. It’s fully layered, and it supports Smart Objects for easy design management. So, don’t spend too much time worrying how long it will take to bring this mockup alive.


Don’t waste time creating your own individual book cover or magazine cover design. Tom White from Inspiration Hut has got you covered (pun intended)! His simple cover mockup will allow you to make a prototype of your future magazine or book. With so many great choices out there to choose from, we found Tom’s work to be one of the most simplistic and elegant at the same time. This is the perfection combination for when the required solution is needed.

This is another magazine cover mockup. Magazine covers are meant to capture the attention of the potential reader with interactive headlines, photo backgrounds, and storylines that will ensure that people actually know what they are buying or whether they wish to buy it in the first place. Help yourself by using this multipurpose cover mockup from ReviewsApex.


This open magazine PSD mockup is a high-resolution and high-quality mockup for all types of magazines. GraphicsFuel has been doing graphic design for a long time. One of their amazing works is the mockup. It’s a work of art that takes into account both modern and classical magazine design standards. It executes both into a stunning culmination of design appeal and content flexibility. If you need a modern magazine mockup that delivers quality, this is the one, at least from the free market.


Customizable Magazine Ad PSD Mockup

This free to download and photorealistic mockup for magazines will be a stunning choice if you are looking to present a magazine, a magazine advertisement, or a single magazine page. Of course, you can combine all three together to reach that solid presentation. Take this mockup, and present your design capabilities within a real and fully functional magazine design. The mockup is a high-angle shot of an open magazine, with one page being turned, giving a view of three pages. All three pages have smart objects. You can easily place your own designs on these pages. The background also has its own smart object, so you can change background colors or textures.


Premium Magazine Mockups and Templates

We couldn’t believe the amazingly great work that so many graphic designers have put into producing these free magazine mockups and layouts. It’s a wonderful time to be alive within the graphic designer community. People are building their portfolios by giving stuff away for free. Who knows how many of these mockups have helped magazines save big as far as design costs go? We can only continue this amazing list by adding a few interesting and perhaps beautiful choices of magazine mockups that you can find only in premium design platforms. These handpicked options will provide the most usability for different variations of a physical magazine. They will also show how direct and personal a mockup or template can be.

Juniper Magazine/Portfolio

We begin with Juniper, a magazine or portfolio mockup based on visual content for magazines, portfolios, and brochures. The design is creamy clean, utilizes modernization, and is in your hands for full customization options. The target markets are content publications, photography magazines, fashion journals, and good old advertising brochures. The package contains 22 unique layouts with more than 40 predesigned pages. You can customize global headers and footers of each page, and there are choices of styles for the paragraphs and characters. The design is also smooth, so it feels professional and ultra lean. Just make the changes you require, and it’s fully ready for print!


The name might suggest that Sport Magazine is only suitable for sports-related magazines. The fact, though, is that it’s a multipurpose magazine template that includes 30 uniquely designed pages to get you started. All typography used within the samples is free to use, so you don’t even need to worry about acquiring a license. The layouts are based on traditional grid columns, but with enough room to make any necessary adjustments. Also, all pages are in A4. That gives you the necessary space to create unique page layouts besides the provided examples.


We’re digging Style Magazine. It clearly presents itself as a solution for fashion and food magazines that need stylish templates. The process of getting this one to print is rather straightforward. You purchase the package, you make any changes to the available pages or add more pages, you save the file, and it is ready to be printed. There are 28 pages included by default, which you can either reduce or increase per your needs.


Clean & Simple Magazine Template

The name implies that the design is clean and simple, and it is. More than that, though, it is sophisticated, complex, and intuitive on its own right. You will want to get this template if you plan on writing journalistic pieces. You can have both pages flow together naturally since many of the demo pages are already built that way. The white background will make this magazine template a great choice for portfolios, magazines, and outlets that want to discuss photography, travels, and engineering wonders.


Rounded Magazine got its name not because it is a round magazine concept but because it focuses on rounded visual content within the magazine, which really makes this choice a unique one. The text areas with backgrounds are also colored, allowing you to use more bubbly style fonts. This could work well for magazines that are strictly for women or on feminine-oriented subjects.


Lifestyles magazines seem to be the most popular type of magazines out there. So, it doesn’t really surprise us when we see graphic designers trying to look like a professional lifestyle magazine. Graphics has built a very smooth lifestyle magazine experience that does all the talking for itself. A good combination of warm and cold colors ensures that no page looks exactly the same. In addition, this mockup makes sure that every editorial article gets its own spotlight.


AbraDesign is an elite author, building and selling items of very high quality. Sure enough, its Cool Retro Vintage magazine template is also of a very high-grade quality. It provides a unique magazine layout experience for those who are in love with retro design elements. What makes this design so retro-ish is its use of traditional retro standards. The images are circled and scattered around the pages, like they would be in a classical design. Still, even though the template features a retro design, it is adaptable and fits multiple purposes.


Brochure/Catalog/Magazine Mockup

This mockup works great as a brochure, a catalog, or a full-on magazine. The size is still A4 and can be minimized if necessary. The template also uses Smart Objects for smart editing. A total of nine unique mockups are included, with a documentation that consists of both video and transcripts to help you understand more effectively how to use these templates. The end result is a photorealistic magazine experience.


Landscape Brochure Mockup

Architects, landscape builders, engineers, and creative artists come together in celebrating this awesome brochure mockup. This mockup will help you to talk about your creative endeavors in a more meaningful way. Today is your chance to replicate professional designs and create one of your own by using a mockup that was built for a single audience only-those who build and those who build large, such as architects.


Square Catalog/Magazine Mockup

Looks like the premium marketplaces are also after clients who enjoy the square style. Here we got another magazine/catalog mockup that uses the square design principles. It’s a single-page template that helps you to create new pages and to copy existing designs onto the new pages. Then, you may edit them according to your requirements. It is very easy to work with and could also potentially work well for brochures or advertisement catalogs.


Fashion experts, we got something real special for you here. A catalog template that’s built just for the purpose of enlisting fashion designs and items within each page. You get a room for a unique photo, and at the bottom of the photo, you can discuss the most crucial aspects of each design, including a price if you are going to use it as a promotional catalog for your available stock. Though it is heavily aimed at fashion designers, this mockup will be of great use also for the scenarios where selling other kinds of items, such as jewelry.


Florists, it is your time so shine. As we close our list of magazine templates, we finish with a precise, modern, and elegant magazine template mockup that can be used as a portfolio for anything related to botany. So plants, flowers, trees, anything to do with nature. The thirty-two-page package will give you enough room to create a magazine that will stand out from the rest, without even really trying. Botanic is a multipurpose image-based portfolio. It can work perfectly too as a magazine, photo album, brochure or catalog. The style is minimal, delicate, modern and playful with an indie feeling, ideal for photography, design, art or fashion projects.


What is the best magazine mockup out there?

We will leave this question to be answered by you! You are the one seeking some unique styles for your next magazine project, so instead of us giving you direct nominations, we want to explore what kind of choices you have made, and what you ended up sticking with. If successful, and you feel like you have a good magazine product ready for print, please drop us a comment below and tell us all about it. We would love to hear about the success stories of our readers, and really look forward to that! For now, enjoy these mockups.

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Alex is a freelance writer with more than 10 years of experience in design, development, and small business. His work has been featured in publications like Entrepreneur, Huffington Post, TheNextWeb, and others. You can find his personal writing at The Divine Indigo.

Disclosure: This page contains external affiliate links that may result in us receiving a commission if you choose to purchase mentioned product. The opinions on this page are our own and we don"t receive additional bonus for positive reviews.

Дизайнеры хорошо знают, какую важную роль играют макеты, особенно, когда нужно продемонстрировать заказчику, как будет выглядеть работа, что называется, «вживую». При этом многим дизайнерам, особенно новичкам, достаточно трудно нарисовать макет, особенно если это макет журнала или книги. Сегодня в интернете можно найти множество бесплатных макетов, а точнее, мокапов различных журналов. С помощью мокапов можно очень быстро внедрить в PSD-файл уже сверстанную страницу или фотографию. При этом готовая иллюстрация будет выглядеть так, будто бы зритель смотрит на настоящий журнал.

Помимо этого использование готовых шаблонов помогает и самому дизайнеру – глядя на свою работу со стороны, очень легко заметить недостатки и ошибки. FreelanceToday предлагает вашему вниманию 15 бесплатных мокапов журналов для демонстрации ваших работ.

Очень интересный шаблон. Главное его преимущество – журнал выглядит максимально естественно – на страницы падают тени, все очень реалистично. Всего в комплекте 3 многослойных PSD-файла со смарт-объектами. Размер – 2000х3000 пикселей.

Созданный дизайнером Алехандре Кордозо мокап позволит вам продемонстрировать свою работу с самых разных ракурсов. Это один из самых лучших шаблонов и одновременно самый простой. Чтобы разместить свой файл в шаблоне, достаточно дважды щелкнуть по зеленому смарт-объекту и вставить туда свою работу. Отличная работа дизайнера, собравшая множество восторженных комментариев на сайте Behance.net.

Простенький макет журнального разворота. После того, как ваше изображение будет вставлено в макет, к нему автоматически будут применены все эффекты и стили, так что готовая иллюстрация будет выглядеть очень естественно.

Бесплатный макет журнала от дизайнера Даниэля Зайаца. В комплекте – 3 PSD-файла в высоком разрешении. Очень интересные ракурсы – это обязательно отметят клиенты. Помимо этого, мокап можно использовать как основу для создания иллюстрации для портфолио.

Журнальный разворот от дизайнера Криса Шолтена. Отличный вариант для демонстрации внутренних страниц печатного издания. Размер файла – 2500х1500 пикселей. Мокап можно использовать как в личных, так и в коммерческих проектах.

Данные макет подойдет тем, кому нужно показать, как будет выглядеть журнал, если взять его в руки. Мокап отличается высоким качеством – разрешение составляет 300 dpi.

Фотореалистичный макет журнального разворота. Можно представить вашу работу в очень интересном ракурсе. Разворот с падающей страницей – очень интересная задумка. Размер файла – 3500х2300 пикселей.

Еще один журнальный разворот. Чтобы вставить в макет свое изображение, достаточно дважды щелкнуть по смарт-объекту, разместить свое изображение и сохранить файл. Все очень просто, справится даже новичок. Макет совершенно бесплатный, его можно использовать в личных и коммерческих проектах.

Скачав этот мокап, можно продемонстрировать не только журнальный разворот, но и переднюю и заднюю стороны обложки. Макет многослойный, со смарт-объектами. При желании можно заменить фон, на более подходящий к вашему дизайну. Размер PSD-файла – 1920х1280 пикселей.

Фотореалистичный макет журнала. Отлично подойдет для презентации глянцевых журналов с большими иллюстрациями на страницах. Размер файла – 3200х2300 пикселей.

Привет, читатель моего блога. Провозглашаю эту неделю - неделей мокапов. В этой статье я вновь выкладываю полиграфические мокапы, то есть мокапы с полиграфической продукцией. На этот раз - это толстый журнал каталог. Каталог настолько толстый, что любой mockup из этой сборки сгодиться и для небольшой книги. А вообще в тему будут и фотоальбомы и глянцевые журналы. У некоторых из представленных мокапов есть фоновые изображения, что очень круто смотрится. На некоторых нет, но это не беда - всегда можно вставить свое фоновое изображение. Все мокапы из этой сборки сделаны в исключительном высоком качестве более 3000 пикселей в ширину и высоту. Хватит и для полноэкранного слайдера на сайте и для печати на А3 и даже на А4.

В каждом PSD файле довольно много слоев. Каждый элемент, каждая тень или градиент имеет свой слой, так что вы можете легко изменить в изображени все, что вам нужно. Вы даже можете менять количество журналов, изображенных в мокапе. Давайте уже пройдемся по самим мокапам:

Мокап из стопок журналов


Отличный мокап каталогов, которые лежат стопокой друг на друге и немного повернуты. Это высококачественный мокап с большим количеством слоев.

PSD мокап стоящих на полке журналов


PSD мокап каталога или журнала, а точнее двух журналов, стоящих на деревянной полке.

PSD mockup открытого журнала


Отличный высококачественный мокап глянцевого журнала или каталога в раскрытом виде. Здесь присутствуют два смарт-объекта: страница слева и страница справа.

Мокап, где девушка держит рукой журнал в анфас


Нестандартный mockup каталога, книги, журнала или другой полиграфической продукции формата А4. Эффект, как будто этот журнал держит девушка рукой.

Mockup с изображением листающего журнала


PSD мокап журнала с четырьмя смарт-объектами для вставки ваших изображений: 4 страницы каталога, книги или жрунала.

PSD мокап, где женская рука открывает журнал


PSD мокап журнала, где девушка своей рукой открывает его. Мокап имеет огромное разрешение больше 3000 пикселей и 300 dpi. В мокапе 3 смарт-объекта: 1 обложка и 2 внутренние страницы

PSD mockup каталога


Отличный качественный мокап журнала, повисшего будто в воздухе. Видна толщина журнала.

Мокап журнала или каталога


Совмещенный мокап из двух других предыдущих, где есть стопка из журналов и один поднят над этой стопкой женской рукой. Мокап без фона - вы сами можете вставить любой фон, который захотите. В архиве полноценный PSD со всеи слоями.

PSD мокап каталога в анфас


Минималистичный мокап каталога, на котором видна только его обложка. Отлично подойдет для превью работы в портфолио.

Mockup открытого каталога в анфас


PSD мокап раскрытого журнала в анфас. Также как и предыдущий мокап, отлично подойдет для превью портфолио дизайнера каталогов, брошюр или журналов.

Вот такая коллекция мокапов каталогов и журналов. Осторожно, каждый мокап весит свыше 50-и мегабайт, а архив со всеми 10-ю мокапами весит 475Mb, который вы можете скачать по ссылке внизу. На этом у меня все. Пока.