Тест ГИА по английскому языку (I). Задания А1 - А4

текста 1-5. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. There are lots of achievements to proud of.
B. Different actions were taken for one reason.
C. A lot of time was lost in protecting nature.
D. Nature protection has to struggle against industries.
E. The two aimed to help wildlife.
F. There was no time to lose.
1. More than a hundred years ago, two men who barely knew each other climbed up into the Sierra Nevada wilderness and spent four days exploring mountains and tracking wildlife. They saw elk and black bear, wild iris and larkspur. They drank from streams, slept on beds of pine needles, and awoke from a night camping on Glacier point to find four feet of sunrise snow. When they came down from the mountains, President Theodor Roosevelt and Sierra Club founder John Muir were good friends. Over their parting handshake they made a pact: They would work together to save America’s wilderness. And they did.
2. The United States had already lost most of its buffalo, tallgrass prairies, Eastern old-growth forests, and grizzly bears. Bold, immediate action was called for-and taken. Between 1901 and 1909, President Roosevelt and Congress created five national parks, established more than fifty wildlife reserves, and set aside 100 million acres of forest for protection. During the decade, the Sierra Club grew from a hiking club to a political force.
3. John Muir and the growing membership of his Sierra Club conducted guided tours to wild areas to win allies and public support for the preservation efforts, wrote letters and articles in newspapers, pioneered the use of public education, political accountability and lobbing, and legislation to protect the health of our environment. It was the Sierra Club that fled lawsuits to stop pollution in Lake Superior and developments in Everglades, and created books, films, photographs, and advertising for wilderness and wildlife protection.
4. Since its founding in 1892, the Sierra Club has also helped bring about the establishment of Yosemite and more than a score of other national parks; an end to government plans to dam the Colorado River and flood the Grand Canyon; the enactment of the Clean Water Act, Clean Air Act, and Endangered Species Act; the granting of national movement status for Utah’s Grand Staircase - Escalante, the giant sequoias of California’s Serra Nevada and many more national treasures in different parts of the country, including Alaska.
5. More than a century of national and local conservation campaigns has taught the Sierra Club that no place-despite its official designation, environmental value, or storied past-is ever completely protected. The oil companies, the logging industry, and developers never give up. And as the nation grows, the pressures to drill, log, and build in special places will also grow.

текста 1-5.Запишите свои ответы в таблицу.Используйте каждую букву только один раз.В задании есть один лишний заголовок

Запишите свои от­веты в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Speaking is not the first step.
B. Listening by watching English films.
C. A good way to improve speaking.
D. The advantages of listening.
E. English speech is available.
F. Listening from the moment of birth.

1. Everyone knows that there are four skills in learning a language, namely listening, speaking, reading and writing. They are always related in terms of usage, and speaking is viewed by learners as the most desirable skill in face-to-face communication in the globalization era. What do you have to do before you can speak? What does a child learn before he talks? Listen, of course!
2. Naturally, children begin listening to their parents when they are babies. They are often greeted, spoken to and admired without any response expected. Though nobody knows if the baby understands the spoken words, the process continues. Children automatically acquire such language over some time. That leads to speaking skill which is quite applicable to daily conversation.
3. In learning English, listening can help to improve speaking considerably. Although it is the first of all skills, it is neither the easiest nor the most meaningless. We need to hear various types of English repeatedly and continuously if we want to communicate properly, meaningfully and naturally.
4. When listening, we are reviewing a lot of English usage such as vocabulary, grammatical structures, intonation, accent etc. We can learn new words and expressions by hearing them frequently. We can imitate what we hear and apply it with great confidence. Listening can be a good «hobby» while we do other things such as cooking, ironing, exercising, relaxing etc. In other words, we have no wasted time at all.
5. Nowadays, radio cassette recorders are household appliances, but we often overlook their radio function. We can experience English language radio programmes almost anywhere in the world. They are usually picked up on FM bands and aired particularly for foreigners. Short wave radio programmes are another option. Two of the most easily found English language broadcasters are the BBC and Voice of America. Today, you can even access them by Internet.

один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. Long and special
2. In a railway museum
3. Not any more
4. User and nature friendly
5. Goods delivery
6. Art and life
7. From steam to electricity
8. Airplane alternative

A. In the 19th century, railroad travel became the fastest way to travel long distances overland. It was a great improvement over travelling by horse and wagon, which could take weeks longer than the train. But early trains weren"t comfortable. Seats were hard and the soot from the coal engine made the air very dirty. In addition, the cars were cold in winter and hot in summer because there was no heat or air conditioning. But fortunately, since those early years, train travel has become much more pleasant.
B. Some long-distance passenger trains have become famous. For example, the Trans- Siberian Railway in Russia is the longest railway in the world, covering 9,259 kilometers and 10 time zones. In the United States, the California Zephyr travels between Chicago and San Francisco, and during the 3-day trip, passengers can enjoy amazing views of the Rocky Mountains. The Orient Express between Venice and Istanbul offers old-fashioned service that is luxurious, romantic, and expensive.
C. In many countries, overnight trains are a good option to air travel. For example, you might leave one city at 11:00 at night, and arrive at your destination at 7:00 the next morning. Typically, you share a cabin with three other people, who you might be travelling with, or who you might not know at all. Your seats become your beds and the price of your ticket includes your bedding. If you want, you can order tea and a snack from the cabin attendant.
D. Of course, not all trains carry passengers. Many trains are freight trains, transporting goods from one location to another. The busiest freight system in the world is in China. Freight trains are usually much longer than passenger trains. The longest freight train recorded was in Australia with over 682 cars. Freight trains can carry anything - coal, cars, clothing - anything that people need. Refrigeration, which keeps food cold and fresh, revolutionized freight transportation.

Many countries around the world are investing in high-speed trains. Today"s high-speed railways are amazing. They can go twice as fast as regular trains, and they are designed for passenger comfort with spacious chairs, internet access, and multi-media entertainment. High speed rail makes it possible to move many more people much faster over longer distances. High speed rail also can help the environment because it is more energy efficient and reduces cars on the roads.

E. The invention of the steam locomotive made a breakthrough in the development of the railway system in the 19th century. Today the technology seems ordinary, but two hundred years ago it was revolutionary. Steam locomotives were fueled by burning coal, wood or oil, to produce steam in a boiler, which drove the engine. Of course, large amounts of water were also needed. In the 20th century, steam engines were gradually replaced with trains fueled by diesel or electricity.
F. Authors have been using trains in literature for as long as trains have been running. Indeed, it"s hard to imagine some stories without a train in them. Even people who have never read Anna Karenina know how the famous novel"s heroine dies at the end. Many American children learn the important lessons of optimism and hard-work reading the classic story The Little Engine that Could. And of course almost everyone on the planet knows about Hogwarts Express in the Harry Potter books.

Установите соответствие между заголовками A–F и текстами 1–5.
Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один
раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.
A. Geographical position
B. Education
C. The famous town
D. State holiday
E. Pages of history
F. Sights
1. More than 80 percent of New Zealand’s population are Britons or Europeans.
That"s why the New Zealand school system is similar to the British one. Education
is free and compulsory for children between the ages of 6 and 16.The school year
starts in January (after the summer holidays) and ends in December. In most
schools wearing a school uniform is obligatory. For New Zealand teenagers daily
life takes place in school where they stay up to the late afternoon.

2. Canada occupies most of the northern North America continent as well as some
islands. It stretches from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the
west. It"s also washed by the Arctic Ocean in the north. The country was
discovered in 1497 by John Cabot, an Italian sea captain. About 2% of the
Canadian territory is covered with ice. The eastern part of the country is mainly
valleys and plains. The western territories are made up of the Cordilleras.

3. Most Americans simply call the Independence Day the “Fourth of July”. It
always falls on this day, and it celebrates the signing of the Declaration of
Independence on July 4, 1776. At that time, the people of the 13 British colonies
were involved in a war which had begun in 1775. The colonists were fighting for
freedom from the English. The Declaration of Independence stated it clearly. For
the first time in history the colonies were defined as the United States of America.

4. With great weather, great events and terrific crowds Australia Day in Melbourne
in 2010 was one of the best ever! It is a day for all Australians to get together and,
in whatever way they choose, celebrate being Australian. 1788 is when the British
Fleet first arrived at Sydney Cove and lifted the British flag. Now, major cities
throughout the country celebrate the national day with parades, free food, and
different events.

5. Cambridge lies in East Anglia, about 50 miles north of London. The river Cam
flows through it. It gets the name Cambridge from the river. It"s a compact green
city. There is always something to do and to see in the city: walk in the parks and
gardens, visit museums and galleries, enjoy the festivals or relax in small cafés.
The city is best known as the home of Cambridge University, one of the world"s
best universities. It was founded in 1209 and it consists of 30 colleges.

Установите соответствие между заголовками A-F и текстами 1-5. Занесите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A.Disappeared people
B.Depending on the weather
C.Organizing people in case of emergency
D.A dangerous street accident
E.Protection from flood
F.Emergency exits are to be done
1 It took many hours for workers to shut the water off when a large water pipe broke. Water gushed out of it. The streets flooded. The water pipe that broke was underground. The pressure from the water coming out of the pipe broke the street. The street fell into a huge hole. This break caused a lot of damage. One woman` s car flooded. It had four inches of water in it. There was a lot of work to be done
2 Firefighters hope to have control of a big fire by Friday. It has already burnt a lot of land. Firefighters worked all night, their hard work saved a lot of land. Now firefighters are worried. The wind is starting to blow. They think that the winds could fan the flames again. When wind fans a flame, it helps the fire grow. This would be very bad. The firefighters are hoping that the winds do not get any stronger.

3 There was a fire that burnt a house down. The local police are trying to find out how it started. There was a man and three children who are missing. No one knows what happened to them. The mother of the missing children could not find them. She did not know if they were in the home before it burnt. She has not seen the father of her children since the fire. The police are not sure how the fire started. There is nothing that shows that fire was started on purpose but the police want to make sure.

4 In spring, heavy rains and melting snow add a lot of water to the lake behind Folsom Dam. People believe too much water could breach the dam. Then the dam might break and flood the towns below the lake. A flood would be very dangerous for the people who live near the dam. They need to find a solution and a way to keep the nearby towns safe. Senator Deborah Ortiz has an idea that might help. She wants to ask the State of California for funds to make the Folsom Dam seven feet taller.

5 Mr. Baldwin believes the way California handles disasters is a good one. People need to know when there is an emergency. They need to be warned. People can be given warnings over the radio. They are also warned over the television. Mr. Baldwin also says that more work needs to be done in an emergency. One thing he is worried about is how to evacuate people from towns. People need to know where to go if they have to leave

На конкретном примере репетитор английского Отрадное подробно разбирает тактику и стратегию выполнения первого, самого легкого задания второго раздела ЕГЭ Чтение. Даются подробные рекомендации.

Это задание является первым, и, чаще всего, самым легким во втором разделе экзамена Чтение.

Сначала несколько общих замечаний. Нужно учесть, что на выполнение всего раздела Чтение в ЕГЭ отводится всего 30 минут. Это – совсем немного. Совершенно очевидно, что первое, самое легкое, задание имеет смысл делать быстрее, чем за 10 минут. Практика показывает, что оптимальное время на это задание – 6-7 минут. Я бы посетовал, потренировавшись несколько раз без контроля времени, в дальнейшем заниматься с таймером.

Второе замечание общего характера касается стратегии выполнения данного задания. Приходится слышать следующие рекомендации школьных учителей. «Сначала вы внимательно читаете вопросы, все понимаете. Потом вы внимательно читаете все тексты, переводите все, и только потом устанавливаете соответствие, требуемое заданием.» Подобные рекомендации меня сильно удивляют, создается впечатление, что они даются людьми, не проделавшими самостоятельно ни одного теста в формате ЕГЭ. Не все так плохо, например, совершенно адекватные рекомендации, даются в книге М.В. Вербицкой и др , и во многих других. Но я хочу привлечь ваше внимание к необходимости выбрать свой собственный подход, осознав разнообразие дающихся советов. В конечном счете, решение следует принимать вам, ведь именно вам его применять на практике.

Прежде чем разобрать конкретное задание, мы приведем свои рекомендации. Они, кстати, разойдутся с упомянутой выше книгой, что никоим образом не характеризует ее отрицательно.
При выполнении задания В2 мы рекомендуем поступать таким образом:

1 Внимательно прочитать и понять все заголовки. Не паниковать, если в них попадается незнакомое слово. Определить, какая это часть речи, насколько оно является ключевым. Если важность слова высока, не паниковать, заменить существительное словосочетанием «что-то там», глагол «что-то делает», прилагательное «Какой-то», наречие «Как-то».

2 Устанавливать соответствие заголовков, читая тексты. Причем, не стремясь к полному и детальному пониманию текстов, а стремясь к однозначности соответствия, и скорости выполнения этого задания. К примеру, если вы уже по первой фразе абзаца нашли соответствующий заголовок, прекрасно – переходите к следующему отрывку.
Имеет смысл в неопределенных случаях, при первом чтении писать два возможных ответа. При повторном прочтении неоднозначность должна уйти.

Посмотрим на конкретном примере , как это работает.

Раздел 2.


В2 Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами А-0. За­несите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний .

1. First computers
2. Risky sport
3. Shopping in comfort
4. Difficult task
5. Professional sport
6. Shopping from home
7. New users
8. Digging for the past

Мы прочитали и осознали вопросы. Представим себе ситуацию, когда вы не знаете в заголовках одного слова. Допустим, это Digging . Определяем часть речи. Это герундий или причастие настоящего времени. Глагола, от которого они образованы, мы, увы, не знаем. Мы не впадаем в панику, мы готовы к такой ситуации. Мы заменяем этот глагол, например, так: 8 Что-то делая для/с прошлым. Все. Мы готовы к установлению соответствий.

A. A group of university students from Brazil have been given the job of dis­covering and locating all the waterfalls in their country. It is not easy be­cause very often the maps are not detailed. The students have to remain in water for long periods of time. Every day they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.

Здесь приходится прочитать весь отрывок, обратив внимание на слова «It is not easy… they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.» По ним мы легко делаем свой выбор:
А - 4. Difficult task
Какие можно здесь совершить ошибки? В Пункты 1, 6 и 7 не подходят однозначно. Пункты 2 и 5 относятся к спорту, здесь о нем ни слова, ни намека. Особого внимания требует пункт 8, которого мы до конца не понимаем. Здесь все, что нам остается – ориентироваться на конец заголовка «for the past». Мы понимаем, что о прошлом в этом отрывке никакого упоминания нет, и потому не сомневаемся в своем выборе, даже в нашем случае, когда у нас есть одно непонятое слово, и, как следствие, не понятный до конца заголовок.

B. For many years now, mail-order shopping has served the needs of a certain kind of customers. Everything they order from a catalogue is delivered to their door. Now, though, e-mail shopping on the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for this kind of shopping.

Прочитав самое начало «For many years now, mail-order shopping…», мы сразу выделяем два заголовка, которые могут подойти, не обращая больше внимания на остальные: 3 и 6. Дочитав до конца, мы понимаем, что это, скорее всего, 6, т к речь идет о покупках через интернет, которые можно делать из дома. Но, все-таки поставим здесь пока оба этих заголовка, поставив на первое место более подходящий:
B - 6. Shopping from home/3. Shopping in comfort.
После этого перейдем к следующему пункту.

C. Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing with much enthusiasm. It is particularly interesting for people suffering from arthritis as computers offer a way of writing nice clear letters. Now pensioners have discovered the Internet and at the moment they make up the fastest growing membership.

Здесь достаточно прочитать мене половины. «Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing…» Мы понимаем, что о прошлом речь снова не идет, и наш проблемный заголовок под номером 8 не имеет к отрывку никакого отношения. Наш выбор однозначен:
С – 7 New users

D. Shopping centres are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained towns where you can find everything you want. In a large centre. shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.

Здесь достаточно прочитать первые два слова: «Shopping centres…». В пункте В у нас стоят оба пункта, содержащие слово Shopping, но пункт 6 еще содержал слова «from home», что совершенно не согласуется с понятием торгового центра. Проглядывая для до конца этот абзац до конца (а вдруг там все же идет речь о заказах в торговых центрах, осуществляемых из дома), мы делаем окончательный выбор сразу для двух пунктов:
D - 3. Shopping in comfort и B - 6. Shopping from home.

E. Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow. They took up complete floors of a building, and were less powerful, and much slower than any of today" s compact portable com­puters. At first, the data they had to process and record was fed in on punched-out paper; later magnetic tape was used, but both systems were completely inconvenient.

Здесь достаточно прочитать только первую фразу: «Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow.» Совершенно очевидно, что единственный выбор:
Е - 1. First computers
Опять не возникает никаких подозрений на то, что не до конца понятный нам пункт 8 может иметь какое-то отношение к этому. Да, с одной стороны, есть упоминание о прошлом в виде «back in the fifties», но, с другой стороны, упоминание о компьютерах сильно перевешивает. К тому же, первые промышленные компьютеры появились именно в пятидесятых. В общем, наш выбор однозначен.

F. Potholing is a dull name for a most interesting and adventurous sport. Deep underground, on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals who have adapted to life without light, finding unusual landscapes and underground lakes, the potholer lives an exciting adventure. You mustn"t forget, though, that it can be quite dangerous. Without the proper equipment you can fall, get injured or lost.

Первая фраза содержит ключевое слово «sport», что сразу заставляет обратить внимание на два пункта: 2. Risky sport и 5. Professional sport. Читаем дальше, и находим фразу «… it can be quite dangerous». О профессиональности этого занятия речь не идет, и поэтому наш выбор:
F - 2. Risky sport
Есть ли у нас сомнения насчет нашего проблемного пункта 8? Да, есть, так как мы не знаем, что за действие там производится, но знаем, что оно как-то связано с прошлым. Здесь такая связь есть: «on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals». Однако, она перевешивается практически идеальным соответствием заглавию 2. Поэтому, наш выбор окончательный.

G. Substantial remains of an octagonal Roman bath house, probably reused as a Christian baptistry, have been uncovered during a student training excava­tion near Faversham in Kent. The central cold plunge pool was five metres across, and stood within a structure which also had underfloor heating and hot pools, probably originally under a domed roof.

Итак, к этому моменту у нас остался наш проблемный пункт 8 и 5. Professional sport. Читая абзац, мы видим такие ключевые слова, связывающие его с прошлым, и, значит, свидетельствующие в пользу заглавия 8: «remains of an octagonal Roman bath house», «have been uncovered during a student training excava­tion». Даже если не знать слова «remains», словосочетание «Roman bath house» говорит само за себя. Вдобавок, есть еще excava­tion – можно догадаться по созвучию с «экскаватор». Но вывод можно сделать и только на основе «Roman bath house». К тому же, сильно помогает тот факт, что о спорте, тем более, профессиональном, в отрывке нет ни слова. Итак, наш выбор однозначен:
G - 8. Digging for the past
Заметьте, мы сделали вывод, не зная слова «digging ». Такое вполне возможно и в реальной ситуации, надо только быть готовым к этому, и быть готовым не терять самообладание, если чего-то не знаешь, а бороться и победить с холодной головой и горячим сердцем, как написал бы какой-нибудь поэт. Рассматривайте такую задачу, как небольшой детектив.

Впрочем, в заключение пожелаем вам хорошего словарного запаса и понятных заголовков.


1 Английский, немецкий, французский языки. СБОРНИК ЭКЗАМЕНАЦИОННЫХ ЗАДАНИЙ, Авторы-составители: М.В. Вербицкая, Н.М. Епихина, В.В. Матюшенко, Т.М. Фоменко, Эксмо, М, 2009

2 Единый государственный экзамен по ИНОСТРАННЫМ ЯЗЫКАМ. Демонстрационный вариант контрольных измерительных материалов единого государственного экзамена
2011 года по английскому языку. Федеральное государственное научное учреждение «ФЕДЕРАЛЬНЫЙ ИНСТИТУТ ПЕДАГОГИЧЕСКИХ ИЗМЕРЕНИЙ». 2011

В заключение приведем полный текст задания:

1. First computers
2. Risky sport
3. Shopping in comfort
4. Difficult task
5. Professional sport
6. Shopping from home
7. New users
8. Digging for the past

A. A group of university students from Brazil have been given the job of dis­covering and locating all the waterfalls in their country. It is not easy be­cause very often the maps are not detailed. The students have to remain in water for long periods of time. Every day they cover a distance of 35 to 40 kilometers through the jungle, each carrying 40 kilos of equipment.

B.For many years now, mail-order shopping has served the needs of a certain kind of customers. Everything they order from a catalogue is delivered to their door. Now, though, e-mail shopping on the Internet has opened up even more opportunities for this kind of shopping.

C. Another generation of computer fans has arrived. They are neither spotty schoolchildren nor intellectual professors, but pensioners who are learning computing with much enthusiasm. It is particularly interesting for people suffering from arthritis as computers offer a way of writing nice clear letters. Now pensioners have discovered the Internet and at the moment they make up the fastest growing membership.

D. Shopping centres are full of all kinds of stores. They are like small, self-contained towns where you can find everything you want. In a large centre. shoppers can find everything they need without having to go anywhere else. They can leave their cars in the shopping centre car park and buy everything in a covered complex, protected from the heat, cold or rain.

E. Not many people know that, back in the fifties, computers were very big, and also very slow. They took up complete floors of a building, and were less powerful, and much slower than any of today" s compact portable com­puters. At first, the data they had to process and record was fed in on punched-out paper; later magnetic tape was used, but both systems were completely inconvenient.

F. Potholing is a dull name for a most interesting and adventurous sport. Deep underground, on the tracks of primitive men and strange animals who have adapted to life without light, finding unusual landscapes and underground lakes, the potholer lives an exciting adventure. You mustn"t forget, though, that it can be quite dangerous. Without the proper equipment you can fall, get injured or lost.

G. Substantial remains of an octagonal Roman bath house, probably reused as a Christian baptistry, have been uncovered during a student training excava­tion near Faversham in Kent. The central cold plunge pool was five metres across, and stood within a structure which also had underfloor heating and hot pools, probably originally under a domed roof.

Установите соответствие между заголовками 1-8 и текстами A-G. Запишите свои ответы в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз. В задании есть один лишний заголовок.

1. National language

2. Freedom of media

3. Customs and traditions

4. Public transport

6. Leisure and sport

7. Modern history

8. Economic outlook

A. Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east. The geometrical centre of Europe lies in eastern Lithuania 25km north of its capital Vilnius. The landscape varies between lowland plains and hilly uplands and has a complex network of rivers.

B. Lithuania has historically been the least developed of the Baltic republics, with a smaller industrial base and greater dependence on agriculture. Sugar beet, cereals, potatoes and vegetables are the main crops. Lithuania’s foreign trade has gradually changed during the 1990s, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.

C. Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population. After the country joined the European Union in 2004 this language has become one of the EU official languages. Lithuania has a large number of dialects for such a small territory, including High Lithuanian and Low Lithuanian.

D. Lithuania offers different opportunities for a nice vacation. You can explore a range of large sand dunes and pine forests while hiking in the Curonian Spit National Park, take part in some action sports in Nida, a village that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.

E. Those who are interested in folklore may enjoy their stay in Lithuania in any season of the year. The Mardi Gras celebrations are held in various Lithuanian cities and small towns at the beginning of February. The Folklore Festival is held in Vilnius’ Old Town during in May. There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.

F. Lithuania’s TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive. Lithuania’s media are free and operate independently of the state, and there are no government-owned newspapers. However, politicians do occasionally attempt to influence editorial policy.

G. In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which usually run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes. You can’t pay the fare to the driver in cash but you can buy coupons from him. Coupons can be also bought at news kiosks before boarding. Minibuses are less crowded but more expensive.


A−5: Lithuania is situated on the eastern Baltic coast and borders Latvia in the north, the Kaliningrad region of the Russian Federation and Poland in the southwest, and Belarus in the southwest and east.

B−8: Lithuania’s foreign trade has gradually changed during the 1990s, and now the European Union, not Russia, is its main trading partner.

C−1: Lithuanian is the mother tongue for 80% of the population

D−6: ...that makes a true paradise for sailing, windsurfing, paragliding and kiting, or try out more extreme sports, such as hot-air ballooning and gliding.

E−3: There you can see craft fairs, taste traditional dishes, join song and parties and listen to psalms.

F−2: Lithuania’s TV market is dominated by commercial channels. The radio market is similarly competitive.

G−4: In cities and towns there are buses and trolleybuses, which usually run from 05.00 to 23.00, but times do vary between routes.

Ответ: 5816324