Конспект на английском про принцессу диану. Творческая работа учащихся по английскому языку (6 класс) на тему: Принцесса Диана. Топик: Принцесса Диана Уэльская

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961 at Park House, the home her parents rented on the royal family"s estate at Sandringham. As a child she occasionally played with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, who were near her in age. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles. When Diana was six, her mother left her father. The Spencers divorced in 1969, and Diana"s father received custody of the children. In 1975 Diana"s father became the eighth Earl Spencer, making Diana a Lady. Diana and her siblings moved to Althorp, the Spencer family estate in Northampton.

Diana Frances Spencer was born on July 1, 1961 at Park House, the home her parents rented on the royal family"s estate at Sandringham. As a child she occasionally played with Prince Andrew and Prince Edward, who were near her in age. Diana had two older sisters, Sarah and Jane, and a younger brother, Charles.

When Diana was six, her mother left her father. The Spencers divorced in 1969, and Diana"s father received custody of the children. In 1975 Diana"s father became the eighth Earl Spencer, making Diana a Lady. Diana and her siblings moved to Althorp, the Spencer family estate in Northampton.

Diana attended private boarding schools. Although she wasn"t an especially good student, she was excelled at sports, and won trophies for her swimming. She dreamed of being a ballerina, but grew too tall (as an adult she was 5"10"). After leaving school in 1978 she worked as a nanny, waitress, and cleaning woman before becoming a teacher at the Young England kindergarten in Pimlico, London.

Her romance with the Prince of Wales began in 1980. The oldest child of British monarch Queen Elizabeth II, he was 12 years older than Diana, and had previously dated her sister Sarah. Almost from the start, the press took a special interest in "Lady Di." They staked out her apartment and followed her everywhere. Diana later said that she found the constant attention unbearable.

Diana and Charles were married July 29, 1981 at St Paul"s Cathedral. The wedding was broadcast in 74 countries and watched by 750 million people worldwide. Diana was the first English woman to marry an heir to the throne in over 300 years.

At the ceremony the Archbishop of Canterbury said, "Here is the stuff of which fairy tales are made." But the fairy tale was an illusion, as Diana had already discovered. Prince Charles was still in love with an old girlfriend, Camilla Parker-Bowles. "There were three of us in this marriage, so it was a bit crowded," Princess Diana remarked years later. Distraught, Diana developed bulimia and attempted suicide. Despite her problems, she was a devoted mother to her two sons, Prince William and Prince Harry. She worked tirelessly for charity, and was beloved by the public for her warmth and humanity.

In 1992 Princess Diana decided to expose the truth about her relationship with Prince Charles to the public. She secretly collaborated with author Andrew Morton on his book Diana, Her True Story. The princess"s direct involvement in the writing of the book was not revealed to the public until after her death. The separation of the Prince and Princess of Wales was announced on December 9, 1992. The divorce became official August 28, 1996. Princess Diana kept the title Princess of Wales and continued to work for her favorite charities. She and Prince Charles had joint custody of their sons.

In 1997 Princess Diana began a love affair with Emad "Dodi" Fayed, the son of billionaire businessman Mohamed Al-Fayed. Their romance ended abruptly on August 31, 1997 when both were killed in a car accident in Paris while fleeing from paparazzi. Princess Diana"s sudden death led to an unprecedented worldwide outpouring of grief and love. As her brother said at her funeral, she was "the unique, the complex, the extraordinary and irreplaceable Diana, whose beauty, both internal and external, will never be extinguished from our minds."

Princess Diana

Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1 July, 1961 in the estate of the Spencers in Norfolk. Diana"s parents were from aristocratic families: her father"s name is Viscount Althrop and her mother"s name is Frances Roche. The ancestors of her father Earl Spencer were relatives of a royal dynasty. The mother had a noble title too. When Diana was six, her mother left the family and in 1969 the marriage of her parents was officially dissolved.

In 1975 Althrop inherited the title of Earl Spencer from his father and for the second/time married Raine, the Countess of Dartmouth, the daughter of the writer Barbara Cartland.

Diana was sent to the private school. She dreamt of being a ballerina, but, then, as she told herself, she had to give up this idea because it appeared that she was too tall for that. Diana studied at normal schools - at first in Norfolk, then in Kent. When she was 16 she left for Switzerland and finished school there. Having returned, she lived with her friends in London, earning as a cook or a nanny, and the n found the job of a teacher in a kindergarten.

For the first time Diana met the Prince in 1977, in the estate of Diana"s father. Diana"s sister Sarah introduced them to each other. They began to date. At this time it was considered in Buckingham Palace that the heir should marry. Diana seemed to be a suitable candidate, though Spencers were not royal by descent. But Diana was not catholic, so one of the main conditions of a royal marriage was observed, and the decision was made. They were married at St. Paul"s Cathedral on July 29, 1981 and this wedding became rather most brilliant event in Britain. Diana was twenty, Charles - thirty-two.

However, after the honeymoon the relations between the couple started getting worse.

In June, 1982 the Princess of Wales gave birth to her first son, Prince William, and in September, 1984 she gave birth to her second child Prince Henry. The Royal family hoped that with birth of the sons peace would reign in the family. But the hopes appeared to be vain. Charles and Diana were moving away from each other. The situation became even worse, when the Princess understood, that heart of the Prince belongs to another woman - Camilla Parker-Bowles (later, in 1986, it became known, that he renewed the relations with her). Then Diana, in her turn, began to take lessons of horse riding from the major Hewitt, a heart breaker from the high society. The exposing scandalous photos and overheard telephone conversations of the husband and wife appeared in mass media.

Since autumn 1987 the couple began to spend practically all the time separately. In December, 1992 the Prime Minister John Major announced to the Parliament, that Diana and Charles were going to divorce. The official divorce was held in August, 1996.

Several last weeks of her life Princess Diana spent together with her friend Duddy Al-Fayed, 41 years old, the senior son of the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed, the owner of the most fashionable London shop «Harrods», Paris hotel «Ritz», and a lot of others.

On August 31, 1997 Princess Diana was killed in a car accident together with Duddi. Diana"s death was a great tragedy and loss for the whole British nation. In her life she did a lot of charity all over the world and became the most popular and beloved figure of the royal family. Her death is still full of mysteries.

Princess Diana

Diana Frances Spencer was born on 1 July, 1961 in the estate of the Spencers in Norfolk. Diana"s parents were from aristocratic families: her father"s name is Viscount Althrop and her mother"s name is Frances Roche. The ancestors of her father Earl Spencer were relatives of a royal dynasty. The mother had a noble title too. When Diana was six, her mother left the family and in 1969 the marriage of her parents was officially dissolved.

In 1975 Althrop inherited the title of Earl Spencer from his father and for the second/time married Raine, the Countess of Dartmouth, the daughter of the writer Barbara Cartland.

Diana was sent to the private school. She dreamt of being a ballerina, but, then, as she told herself, she had to give up this idea because it appeared that she was too tall for that. Diana studied at normal schools - at first in Norfolk, then in Kent. When she was 16 she left for Switzerland and finished school there. Having returned, she lived with her friends in London, earning as a cook or a nanny, and then found the job of a teacher in a kindergarten.

For the first time Diana met the Prince in 1977, in the estate of Diana"s father. Diana"s sister Sarah introduced them to each other. They began to date. At this time it was considered in Buckingham Palace that the heir should marry. Diana seemed to be a suitable candidate, though Spencers were not royal by descent. But Diana was not catholic, so one of the main conditions of a royal marriage was observed, and the decision was made. They were married at St. Paul"s Cathedral on July 29, 1981 and this wedding became rather most brilliant event in Britain. Diana was twenty, Charles - thirty-two.

However, after the honeymoon the relations between the couple started getting worse.

In June, 1982 the Princess of Wales gave birth to her first son, Prince William, and in September, 1984 she gave birth to her second child Prince Henry. The Royal family hoped that with birth of the sons peace would reign in the family. But the hopes appeared to be vain. Charles and Diana were moving away from each other. The situation became even worse, when the Princess understood, that heart of the Prince belongs to another woman - Camilla Parker-Bowles (later, in 1986, it became known, that he renewed the relations with her). Then Diana, in her turn, began to take lessons of horse riding from the major Hewitt, a heart breaker from the high society. The exposing scandalous photos and overheard telephone conversations of the husband and wife appeared in mass media.

Since autumn 1987 the couple began to spend practically all the time separately. In December, 1992 the Prime Minister John Major announced to the Parliament, that Diana and Charles were going to divorce. The official divorce was held in August, 1996.

Several last weeks of her life Princess Diana spent together with her friend Duddy Al-Fayed, 41 years old, the senior son of the Egyptian billionaire Mohammed Al-Fayed, the owner of the most fashionable London shop «Harrods», Paris hotel «Ritz», and a lot of others.

On August 31, 1997 Princess Diana was killed in a car accident together with Duddi. Diana"s death was a great tragedy and loss for the whole British nation. In her life she did a lot of charity all over the world and became the most popular and beloved figure of the royal family. Her death is still full of mysteries.

Принцесса Диана

Диана Франсес Спенсер родилась 1 июля 1961 года в имении Спенсеров в Норфолке. Родители Дианы были из аристократической семьи: имя ее отца - Вискаунт Альтроп, а ее матери - Франсес Роше. Предки ее отца графа Спенсера были родственниками королевской династии. У матери также был дворянский титул. Когда Диане было шесть лет, ее мать покинула семью и в 1969 году брак ее родителей был официально расторгнут.

В 1975 году Альтроп унаследовал титул графа династии Спенсеров от своего отца и во второй раз женился на Рейд, графине округа Дармоут, дочери писательницы Барбары Картланд.

Диана была отправлена в частную школу. Она мечтала стать балериной, но затем, как она сама рассказывала, ей пришлось отказаться от этого, так как она была слишком высокой. Диана училась в обычной школе, сначала в Норфолке, затем в Кенте. Когда ей было 16 лет, она уехала в Швейцарию и окончила там школу. Когда она вернулась, она жила с друзьями в Лондоне, подрабатывая поваром и няней, а затем нашла работу воспитателя в детском саду.

Впервые Диана познакомилась с принцем в 1977 году в поместье отца Дианы. Сестра Дианы - Сара познакомила их. Они начали встречаться. В то время в Букингемском ^ Дворце считали, что наследнику престола нужно жениться. Диана казалась подходящей кандидатурой, хотя Спен-1 серы не имели королевского происхождения. Но Диана не | была католичкой, поэтому одно из главных условий для] вступления в брак с членом королевской семьи было выполнено и решение было принято. Молодая пара обвенчалась в! Кафедральном Соборе святого Павла 29 июля 1981 года и их свадьба стала весьма ярким событием в Британии. Диане было 20, а Чарльзу 32 года.

Однако после окончания медового месяца отношения между супругами ухудшились.

В июне 1982 года принцесса Уэльская родила своего первого сына, принца Уильяма, а в сентябре 1984-го на свет появился второй ребенок - принц Генри. Королевская семья надеялась, что с рождением сыновей между супругами воцарится мир. Однако эти надежды оказались напрасными. Чарльз и Диана отдалялись друг от друга. Ситуация еще более ухудшилась, когда принцесса узнала, что сердце принца принадлежит другой женщине - Камиле Паркер Баулз (впоследствии, в 1986 году стало известно, что он возобновил с ней отношения). Затем Диана в свою очередь начала брать уроки верховой езды у майора Хевита, покорителя сердец в высшем обществе. Обнародованные скандальные фотографии и подслушанные телефонные разговоры мужа и жены появились в прессе.

Начиная с осени 1987 года супружеская пара стала проводить практически все время врозь. В декабре 1992 года премьер-министр Джон Мейджер заявил в парламенте, что Диана и Чарльз собираются развестись. Официальный развод состоялся в августе 1996 года.

Несколько последних недель жизни принцесса провела вместе со своим другом Дуди Аль-Фаедом, 41 года, старшим сыном египетского миллиардера Мохамеда Аль-Фаеда, владельца самого фешенебельного лондонского магазина «Херодс», отеля «Ритц» в Париже и многих других заведений.

31 августа 1997 года принцесса Диана погибла в автомобильной катастрофе вместе с Дуди. Смерть Дианы стала огромной трагедией и потерей для всей британской нации. В жизни Диана много занималась благотворительностью по всему миру и стала самой популярной и любимой фигурой в королевской семье. Ее смерть до сих пор полна загадок.


1. What can you tell about Diana"s family?
2. When was Diana born?
3. Where did Diana study?
4. When and where did she first meet Charles?
5. What kind of relations did Diana and Charles have after getting married?
6. When did the situation become worse?
7. When was the official divorce held?
8. How did the Princess die?

estate - имение, поместье
ancestor - предок
royal - королевский
to dissolve - расторгать (брак)
to inherit - (у)наследовать
to give up - отказаться (от чего-либо)
nanny - няня
to give birth to - родить кого-л.
kindergarten - детский сад
suitable - подходящий
descent - происхождение
heir - наследник
wedding - свадьба
a brilliant event - яркое событие
honeymoon - медовый месяц
reign - правление
vain - напрасный, тщетный
horse riding - верховая езда
separately - отдельно, врозь
senior -старший
fashionable - модный

Diana (01.07.1961 - 31.08.1997) - Princess of Wales.

Diana (Diana Frances; nee Spencer) was the first wife of Charles, Prince of Wales. Their two sons, Princes William and Harry, are second and third in line to the thrones of the United Kingdom and 15 other Commonwealth Realms.

Frances Spencer was born into the British aristocracy, the youngest daughter of Edward John Spencer, Viscount Althorp, later John Spencer, 8th Earl Spencer, and his first wife, Frances Spencer, Viscountess Althorp (formerly the Honourable Frances Burke Roche). She was born at Park House, Sandringham in Norfolk, England. She was baptised at St. Mary Magdalene Church in Sandringham, by Rt. Rev. Percy Herbert (rector of the church and former Bishop of Norwich and Blackburn); her godparents included John Floyd (the chairman of Christie"s).

During her parents" acrimonious divorce over Lady Althorp"s adultery with wallpaper heir Peter Shand Kydd, Diana"s mother took her two youngest children to live in an apartment in London"s Knightsbridge, where Diana attended a local day school. That Christmas, the Spencer children went to celebrate with their father and he subsequently refused to allow them to return to London and their mother. Lady Althorp sued for custody of her children, but Lord Althorp"s rank, aided by Lady Althorp"s mother"s testimony against her daughter during the trial, contributed to the court"s decision to award custody of Diana and her brother to their father. On the death of her paternal grandfather, Albert Spencer, 7th Earl Spencer in 1975, Diana"s father became the 8th Earl Spencer, at which time she became Lady Diana Spencer and moved from her childhood home at Park House to her family"s sixteenth-century ancestral home of Althorp.

A year later, Lord Spencer married Raine, Countess of Dartmouth, the only daughter of romantic novelist Barbara Cartland, after being named as the "other party" in the Earl and Countess of Dartmouth"s divorce. During this time Diana travelled up and down the country, living between her parents" homes - with her father at the Spencer seat in Northamptonshire, and with her mother, who had moved north west of Glasgow in Scotland. Diana, like her siblings, did not get along with her new stepmother.

On 31 August 1997 Diana died after a high speed car accident in the Pont de l"Alma road tunnel in Paris along with Dodi Al-Fayed and their driver Henri Paul. Blood analysis shows that Henri Paul was illegally intoxicated while driving. Tests confirmed that original postmortem blood samples were from driver Henri Paul, and that he had three times the French legal limit of alcohol in his blood. Conspiracy theorists had claimed that Paul"s blood samples were swapped with blood from someone else-who was drunk-and contended that the driver had not been drinking on the night Diana died. Their Mercedes-Benz S280 sedan crashed on the thirteenth pillar of the tunnel. The two-lane tunnel was built without metal barriers between the pillars, so a slight change in vehicle direction could easily result in a head-on collision with the tunnel pillar.

Fayed"s bodyguard Trevor Rees-Jones was closest to the point of impact and yet the only survivor of the crash; he was the only one to be wearing a seatbelt. Henri Paul and Dodi Fayed were killed instantly, and Diana - unbelted in the back seat- slid forward during the impact and, having been violently thrown around the interior, "submarined" under the seat in front of her, suffering massive damage to her heart and subsequent internal bleeding. She was eventually, after considerable delay, transported by ambulance to the Pitie-Salpetriere Hospital, but on the way to casualty went into cardiac arrest twice. Despite lengthy resuscitation attempts, including internal cardiac massage, she died at 4 a.m. local time. Her funeral on 6 September 1997 was broadcast and watched by an estimated 2.5 billion people worldwide.

The death of Diana has been the subject of widespread conspiracy theories, supported by Mohamed Al-Fayed, whose son died in the accident. Her former father in law, Prince Philip, seems to be at the heart of most of them but her ex husband has also been named, and was questioned by the Metropolitan Police in 2005. Some other theories have included claims that MI6 or the CIA were involved. Mossad involvement has also been suspected, and this theory has been supported on US television by the intelligence specialist barrister Michael Shrimpton. One particularly outlandish claim, appearing on the internet, has stated that the princess was battered to death in the back of the ambulance, by assassins disguised as paramedics. These were all rejected by French investigators and British officials, who claimed that the driver, Henri Paul, was drunk and on drugs. Blood tests later reported that Henri Paul was drunk at the time of the accident, although CCTV footage of Paul leaving the Ritz hotel with the princess and Dodi Fayed does not appear to depict a man in a drunken or incapable state. Nonetheless, in 2004 the authorities ordered an independent inquiry by Lord Stevens, a former chief of the Metropolitan Police, and he suggested that the case was "far more complex than any of us thought" and reported "new forensic evidence" and witnesses. The French authorities have also decided to reopen the case. Lord Stevens" report, Operation Paget, was published on December 14, 2006.

Within seconds of the crash, the paparazzi had surrounded the Mercedes, and proceeded to take pictures of the dying princess. Not one called for medical assistance. On 13 July 2006 Italian magazine Chi published photographs showing Diana in her "last moments" despite an unofficial blackout on such photographs being published. The photographs were taken minutes after the accident and show the Princess slumped in the back seat while a paramedic attempts to fit an oxygen mask over her face. The photographs were also published in other Italian and Spanish magazines and newspapers.

The editor of Chi defended his decision by saying he published the photographs for the "simple reason that they haven"t been seen before" and that he felt the images do not disrespect the memory of the Princess. The British media publicly refused to publish the images, with the exception of the tabloid newspaper, The Sun, which printed the picture but with the face blacked out.

Fresh controversy arose over the issue of these photographs when it was disclosed that Britain"s Channel 4 intended to broadcast them during a documentary to screen in June 2007

Diana was buried on 6 September 1997. The Prince of Wales, her sons, her mother, siblings, a close friend, and a clergyman were present. She wore a black long sleeved Catherine Walker dress. She had chosen that particular dress a few weeks before. She was buried with a set of rosary beads in her hands, a gift she received from Mother Teresa. Her grave is on an island in the grounds of Althorp Park, her family home.

Diana Frances Spencer, all known as Lady Di, or Princess Diana, was born in London, the city of Sandringham, July 1, 1961 in a large family with royal roots. She was the third daughter of her parents, a little later she had a younger brother. Diana"s parents divorced when she was 8 years old, and she stayed with her father. The girl was fond of ballet, drawing, various kinds of sports. In her youth she had a dream of becoming a dancer. Diana loved spending time with her children, so at the age of 16 she began to work in the kindergarten as an assistant tutor.

When Diana turned 19 she met Prince Charles, and at the age of 20 she became Princess Diana. Their marriage lasted 15 years, they had two sons. Charles and Diana traveled a lot, worked together, but their marriage was not happy, since Charles did not like his wife. Diana suffered very much and often cried about this, and to somehow distract herself, she started doing charity. The princess was a kind, attentive and sympathetic woman. She tried to help all the sick, poor and needy. Visited hospitals, boarding schools, orphanages. Provided not only financial assistance, but also listened attentively and talked with people. People fell in love with Diana.

Such famous personalities as Tom Cruise, Elton John, Michael Jackson, Sting, Barbara Streisond and many others, were her close friends. But she found the most real friends in ordinary people.

Lady Dee died in a terrible car accident on August 31 in 1997. Her death shook and shocked a large number of people. People from different parts of the world came to the funeral to honor their memory. Princess Diana forever remained in history and in the hearts of people, and was remembered by him as a bright and kind person.


Диана Фрэнсис Спенсер, всем известная как леди Ди или принцесса Диана, родилась в Лондоне, город Сандрингем, 1 июля 1961 года в многодетной семье с королевскими корнями. Она была третьей дочерью у своих родителей, чуть позже у неё появился младший брат. Родители Дианы развелись когда ей исполнилось 8 лет, и она осталась жить с отцом. Девушка увлекалась балетом, рисованием, различными видами спорта. В юности у неё была мечта стать танцовщицей. Диана любила проводить время с детьми, поэтому в возрасте 16 лет стала работать в детском саду помощницей воспитателя.

Когда Диане исполнилось 19 лет она познакомилась с принцем Чарльзом, и уже в 20 лет стала принцессой Дианой. Их брак продлился 15 лет, у них родились двое сыновей. Чарльз и Диана много путешествовали, вместе работали, но их брак не был счастливым, так как Чарльз не любил свою супругу. Диана очень страдала и часто плакала по этому поводу, и чтобы как-то отвлечься она занялась благотворительностью. Принцесса была доброй, внимательной и отзывчивой женщиной. Она старалась помочь всем больным, бедным и нуждающимся. Посещала больницы, интернаты, детские дома. Оказывала не только финансовую помощь, но и внимательно слушала и разговаривала с людьми. Народ полюбил Диану.

Такие известные личности как Том Круз, Элтон Джон, Майкл Джексон, Стинг, Барбара Стрейзонд и многие другие, были ею близкими друзьями. Но самых настоящих друзей она нашла в простых людях.

Леди Ди погибла в ужасной автомобильной аварии 31 августа в 1997 году. Ее смерть потрялса и шокировала большое количество людей. Люди с разных концов мира приехали на ещё похороны почтить ещё память. Принцесса Диана навсегда осталась в истории и в сердцах людей, и запомнилась им как светлый и добрый человек.